TDDW 2024 – Young Investigator Award (YIA)
TDDW 2024 is now accepting applications for its Young Investigator Award (YIA). The award is designed to encourage the active participation of young investigators in Asian countries. Eight presenting authors of submitted abstracts will be selected to enter the semi-final and oral presentation at the YIA forum. The semi-finalists will receive complimentary registration to the TDDW 2024 and free accommodation for 3 nights. After the oral presentation, the top 3 with the highest scores from the judging panel will receive awards of:
- The winner of the Young Investigator Award will receive US$2,000;
- The first runner-up of the Young Investigator Award will receive US$1,500;
- The second runner-up of the Young Investigator Award will receive US$1,000.
- The research must be in the field of gastroenterology and/or hepatology;
- The research work should not have been previously published and/or presented at any of the major regional conferences; and
- Applicants should be below 40 years of age (Age is calculated as of September 30 2024. Proof of age should be sent to the TDDW 2024 Secretariat).
- Structured as per the guidelines available on the TDDW website.
- Abstracts must be submitted online.
- The deadline for all YIA abstract submission is June 30, 2024.
Abstract Judging and Selection Process
- Upon submission, the scientific committee will judge abstracts for suitability for either a poster or oral presentation. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by email on or before August 31, 2024.
- Those accepted for oral presentations (up to 8 semi-finalists) will be required to give a 8-minute oral presentation of their research work to the general scientific audience at the TDDW YIA forum.
- There will be an additional 2- minute for questions by the judging panel.
- The presentation will be judged on both the quality of the science (content, methodology and validity of conclusion) and the presentation skill of the speaker (clarity of presentation, responses to questions, and general professional appearance).
TDDW 2024 – Research Award
The purpose of the Research Award is to stimulate interest in research training by rewarding outstanding examples of excellence amongst those involved in research training in the early stages of their career.
Award Presentation
Each presenter will be given 3 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes to defend their work. And who prefer to present their papers in poster mode. The top 3 with the highest scores from the judging panel will receive awards of:
- The winner of the Research Award will receive US$1,000
- The first runner-up of the Research Award will receive US$800
- The second runner-up of the Research Award will receive US$500