All abstracts should be submitted in English (including the title, abstract text, authors' names, affiliations).
Please provide the followings
- Presenting author's contact details; including full mailing address, office phone number and email address and fax number.
- Name(s) of presenting author and co-authors: first name(s) or initials of first name(s), family name (e.g. Jason Wong or J. Wong).
- Affiliation details of all authors: department; institution/hospital; city; state (if relevant); country.
- The abstract title should be in initial capital/lower case (not all capitals) Abstracts for original articles should include (1) background, (2) aims, (3) methods, (4) results and (5) conclusions. Word limit: 300 words including acknowledgement.
- Do not include references in the abstract.
- Do not include key words in the abstract.
- Abbreviation should be spelled out, in parentheses, with its first use in the text.
- All abstracts submitted will be automatically edited according to 2nd Conference of TDDW submission format. It is the responsibility of the authors to review the submission and avoid any typing errors on the abstract.
- Use Italics only when appropriate (e.g., for the name of genus and species).
- To avoid character corruption, please use only Times New Roman or Symbol font.
Abstract Judging and Selection Process
- Upon submission, the scientific committee will judge abstracts for suitability for either a poster or oral presentation. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by email on or before August 31, 2018.
- Those accepted for oral presentations (up to 7 semi-finalists) will be required to give a 8-minute oral presentation of their research work to the general scientific audience at the TDDW YIA forum.
- There will be an additional 2- minute for questions by the judging panel.
- The presentation will be judged on both the quality of the science (content, methodology and validity of conclusion) and the presentation skill of the speaker (use of visual aids, clarity of presentation, general professional appearance).