Symposium (XIV)
GI Vascular Intervention

September 25, 2022(Sunday)13:30-15:10
Conference Room B
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Time Topic Speaker
Moderators: Jen-I Hwang
Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital
Po-Chin Liang
National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch
TAE for UGI bleeding
Huei-Lung Liang
Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
IR for vascular complication after liver transplantation
Yu-Fan Cheng
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
TAE for hypersplenism
Yi-Sheng Liu
National Cheng Kung University Hospital
The impacts of abdominal muscle mass and change after transjugular portosystemic shunt in patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis
Chih-Horng Wu
National Taiwan University Hospital
Current trends in the transcatheter management of gastric variceal and other portal hypertension related hemorrhage
Chien-An Liu
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
* you can left or right swipe program.